Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sick Building?

Is work making you sick? Think of the sick building syndrome. When employees complain of symptoms that only manifest when they are exposed to a certain building, then this is the sick building syndrome. Generally a sick building is suspected when a pocket of workers suddenly fall ill with many different symptoms. Often the only relief occurs when the building ventilation system is overhauled and the source of the air contamination is removed.

Sometimes the source of that indoor contamination is in the solvents and cleaners used to clean the ventilation system and surrounding areas. Many standard cleaners and paints use toxic chemicals that their green counterparts do not. Over time people can become sensitive to these chemicals leading to what is called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). In some cases the illness is debilitating, and it leaves its sufferers hypersensitive to all chemicals in the environment. The only relief those with MCS receive is from a drastic change in lifestyle and environment. They must stay away from chemicals not only in their outside environment, but also at home. Sometimes a green renovation is able to help sufferers gain relief from their symptoms at home; however, many people with MCS end up with continuous symptoms until they move to an isolated, natural environment away from city contaminants.

It is not feasible for most people to head for the hills; however they can make small changes that make a big difference in their health. For starters, cutting out the majority of processed food generally works wonders on the body. According to recent publications, the fattening of America can largely be blamed on our high intake of processed, fatty foods. Add to that the fact that the most exercise many of us get is lifting the phone to call for take out, and well, it is easy to see how the American belt-bulge came to be.

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